Porto eXpress

Porto eXpress
Porto eXpress

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Less than 100 Hours

Its the last final weekend before the trip and I'm trying to get the house ready for the prolonged absence. I keep going through my lists of things to prepare and pack and I think I have most everything ready. But I always suffer the stress of thinking that I will forget something important. The last time I went to Europe for 4 weeks, I found out that nobody knew what Pepto Bismal was and it was sold no where, not even the pharmacy. So this year I'm packing a couple of bottles with me - won't make that mistake again.
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Monday, August 23, 2010

A Well Deserved Rest

Just a few more days before I can take a rest from the office.
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Last full week in the office. Trying to get everything ready.