One of the most interesting parts of Portuguese culture is the weekly markets that occur in most cities. These markets have been going on for hundreds of years, when people would go to the local open air market to buy what they needed for the week. Now a days super markets offer a majority of the items that are sold at these markets, but the experience itself can never be copied. Different sections come together in these markets from fish and food, to household items, to clothing, to livestock.
Being Monday could only mean one thing - the Espinho Market. Espinho is a small coastal town just south of Porto, but the city explodes on Mondays. The cry of food vendors and fish mongers could easily be heard as everyone is trying to sale their wares. Some are aggressive, calling out their offers to the passers-by while others sit patiently awaiting their next client. After seeing booth after booth filled with fruits and vegetables, I'm not sure how some of these people can make a living with so much competition.
Continuing on through the market, I arrive at the far end and enter into what is known as the gypsy market. Just as many vendors, but perhaps not exactly "licensed" goods being sold. On every side I was offered Armani sunglasses and Dolce & Gabana watches, Levi jeans and Luis Vuton purses. One man was slowly moving through the crowd and coyly asking if I wanted to buy an iPhone 4, while others wanted to sell me the latest Hollywood movies, 4 DVDs for $5.
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